Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Duckitt

Mrs Holland

duck.jpg  Welcome to Year 1   Swan.jpg



Welcome to Year 1, in Year 1 we have two classes Swan and Duck. We have such a fun-packed full year of exciting learning planned and we are excited to see you all progress throughout the year.

Important Information:

Swan Teaching Staff: Mrs G Holland (Class Teacher) and Miss A Birch (HLTA)

Duck Teaching Staff: Mrs J Duckitt (Class Teacher) and Mrs J Thorp (TA)

Start time is 8:30am and we will let the children into school from the brown shared area door. The door will open at 8.25am and collection time is 3:00pm however we try to start lining the children up a little before to avoid crowds of parents - please be patient as we have a lot of new faces to learn.

PE day for both Swan and Duck is Friday. School PE kit is black leggings, jogging bottoms or shorts, white t-shirt and a jacket other than their outdoor coat if possible. The Lakeside tracksuit is also available. Children can come to school dressed in their PE kits.


Summer 1:

This half term in maths we will be learning about multiplication and division – including grouping and sharing. We will be counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and using this to help us problem solve. We are looking at finding doubles, halves and how we can use this mathematical information to help us solve word problems.  We will move onto fractions involving finding ½ and ¼ of shapes and numbers.


To start this half term we are looking at a poetry unit. This will be followed by the story of Toys in Space, written by: Mini Grey. We will be working on sentence structure including capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We will be extending sentences using some form of description and also the use of ‘and’. Throughout the unit we will be using questions, asking questions and thinking about the different ways that we can start questions and what they need to end with.

Toys in Space.png


In RWI (Read, Write, Inc.) the children are assessed and grouped half termly and more frequently if needed.  The children will have different members of staff teaching them throughout the year as they move groups.  Once the children reach Red Level they will start to bring reading books home.  These will be familiar to the children and we expect that they can read them well.  We ask that they read this book 3 times at home before bringing it back to be changed.  Parents needs to sign and comment in their reading records to show that they have read the book.  If you have any questions, please ask.


Topic- Moon Zoom / School Days:
This half term we will be finishing off our learning about planets in the Solar System, during this topic the children will learn about directional and positional language. Identify and name different materials and what objects are made from those materials. They will then move onto making observational records about things that have happened beyond the living memory including ordering information on a timeline.
The children will also take part in a D&T project for this half term where they will learn about wheels and axels, we aim to make a moon buggy for the project.

Then towards the end of this half term we will start our school days topic where the children will begin in this half term to learn about the life of a Victorian child. This topic will continue into Summer 2 (more information to be provided in Summer 2).


Spring 2:

This half term in maths Year 1 will be learning addition and subtraction with numbers within 50, thinking about the place value of the numbers and how we can use a number and partition a number into tens and ones. We will then be moving on to learning numbers within 50. Starting with the numbers to 100, counting forwards in multiples of 10 to 100. Making groups of 10 and counting them, then leading on to finding one more and one less than numbers within 100.

This half term in English we will be focussing on the book Beegu by Alexis Deacon. We will be working on sentence structures, using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Including extending sentences using ‘and’, writing questions, using question marks and also describing settings, characters to help write our own stories.



In RWI (Read, Write, Inc.) the children are assessed and grouped half termly and more frequently if needed.  The children will have different members of staff teaching them throughout the year as they move groups.  Once the children reach Red Level they will start to bring reading books home.  These will be familiar to the children and we expect that they can read them well.  We ask that they read this book 3 times at home before bringing it back to be changed.  Parents needs to sign and comment in their reading records to show that they have read the book.  If you have any questions, please ask.

Topic- Moon Zoom:
This half term the children will be learning about planets in the Solar System, during this topic the children will learn about directional and positional language. Identify and name different materials and what objects are made from those materials. They will then move onto making observational records about things that have happened beyond the living memory including ordering information on a timeline.
The children will also take part in a D&T project for this half term where they will learn about wheels and axels, we aim to make a moon buggy for the project.



Spring 1:

This half term in maths Year 1 will be learning addition and subtraction with numbers within 20, thinking about the place value of the numbers and how we can use a number of different methods to get to the answer. We will then be moving on to learning numbers within 50. Starting with the numbers to 50, then counting forwards in multiples of 10 to 50. Making groups of 10 and counting them, then leading on to partitioning into tens and ones and finding one more and one less than a given number within 50.

This half term in English we will be focussing on the book The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright. We will be working on sentence structures, using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Including extending sentences using ‘and’.



In RWI (Read, Write, Inc.) the children are assessed and grouped half termly and more frequently if needed.  The children will have different members of staff teaching them throughout the year as they move groups.  Once the children reach Red Level they will start to bring reading books home.  These will be familiar to the children and we expect that they can read them well.  We ask that they read this book 3 times at home before bringing it back to be changed.  Parents needs to sign and comment in their reading records to show that they have read the book.  If you have any questions, please ask.


Topic- Paws, Claws and Whiskers:
This half term the children will be learning about animals with paws, claws and whiskers during our topic ‘Paws, Claws and Whiskers’. The children will also be learning how to describe, compare a variety of different animals such as: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets. They will then group and sort a variety of common animals based on the foods they eat. For the Geography element the children will be learning about hot and cold areas and how to locate them in relation to the equator.

This half term the children will have their own DT project where they will be creating their own structures using strengthening techniques. They will follow the: explore, design, make and evaluate process.

Finally the children will create texture and patterns as part of their Art subject work, including exploring different paints and materials. They will then create a simple collage using fabrics, inks and patterns.

Autumn 2

This half term in maths Year 1 will be learning how to add and subtract numbers within 10. They will then be moving onto learning numbers within 20, where they will be looking at the place value of the number, counting forwards, backwards, saying more and less than a given number within 20. They will then complete word problems by using addition and subtraction within 20.

This half term in English we will be focussing on the book ‘Katie in London’ by James Mayhew.  We will be working on writing simple words and sentences, using capital letters and full stops and applying phonics to our writing. We will be writing lists, descriptions and even post cards.

Katie in London.png


In RWI (Read, Write, Inc.) the children are assessed and grouped half termly and more frequently if needed.  The children will have different members of staff teaching them throughout the year as they move groups.  Once the children reach Red Level they will start to bring reading books home.  These will be familiar to the children and we expect that they can read them well.  We ask that they read this book 3 times at home before bringing it back to be changed.  Parents needs to sign and comment in their reading records to show that they have read the book.  If you have any questions, please ask.


Topic – Bright Lights, Big City:
This half term the children will be learning about dinosaurs in our topic ‘Bright Lights, Big City’, we will look at different London landmarks, they will be learning and locating capital cities and countries of the UK. We will also be learning about human and physical features naming some of each within the UK and Non-European countries. For our Art we will be using sketching pencils to practise our sketching techniques to help us sketch some London landmarks. Please find our homework for this half term attached below as a PDF file.


Autumn 1

This half term in maths Year 1 will be learning numbers to 10, this includes reading and writing numbers as both digits and in words. They will learn new mathematical language for example: fewer, greater, less than, more than. They will compare amounts, groups and objects. They will start to understand and use the part, part whole model including adding and subtracting numbers within 10.


This half term in English we will be focussing on the book ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers.  We will be working on writing simple words and sentences, using capital letters and full stops and applying phonics to our writing.

lost and found.jpg


In RWI (Read, Write, Inc.) the children are assessed and grouped half termly and more frequently if needed.  The children will have different members of staff teaching them throughout the year as they move groups.  Once the children reach Red Level they will start to bring reading books home.  These will be familiar to the children and we expect that they can read them well.  We ask that they read this book 3 times at home before bringing it back to be changed.  Parents needs to sign and comment in their reading records to show that they have read the book.  If you have any questions, please ask.


Topic – Dinosaur Planet:
This half term the children will be learning about dinosaurs in our topic ‘Dinosaur Planet’, we will look at different types of dinosaurs, label parts of the body and also using cross curricular maths to measure dinosaurs. They will be learning about the seven continents and five oceans around the world and where some of these dinosaurs may have come from. The significant figure that the children will be learning about is Mary Anning and finding out what she is famous for.

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Please see below the attached homework to be completed throughout Autumn 1.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mrs Duckitt & Mrs Holland




Files to Download

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