Covid-19 Updates 2020-2021

This page features regular updates on the school situation and response regarding C-19 and any other important information.

Please also check our school Facebook page and Twitter feed, which we keep regularly updated.

All letters are sent to parents via email and text.  Please ensure you notify the school office of any changes to your contact details.

Important Updates


New school risk assessment and outbreak management plan below - September 2021

Letter for parents from the Doncaster Director of Public Health about schools returning in September 2021.


Thursday 8th April:

Continuing protective measures on the school site and in the community - see letters from the school and Public Health in Doncaster.

Friday 26th March:

End of Spring term letter below.

Monday 8th March:

Details of school reopening in the letter below. Please also see Version 6 of the school risk assessment.

Thursday 7th January:

See letter for a summary of the school's remote education provision.

Monday 4th January:

School is open for all pupils on Tuesday 5th January.  See letter.

Wednesday 9th December:

School will be closed on Friday 18th December - see letter.

Tuesday 24th November:

Reminder letter about keeping safe on school premises.

Tuesday 29th September:

Letter and home learning survey below.  Online survey here:

Thursday 17th September:

Advert and role description for two parent governor vacancies below.

Tuesday 15th September:

Please see absence advice and testing reminder letter below.

NHS COVID-19 symptoms guide below.

Health and Safety on the school grounds letter below.

Friday 17th July:

New school risk assessment below.

Wednesday 15th July:

Contact details for help and advice over the Summer holidays added below.

Tuesday 14th July:

The school plan for September opening has been sent to parents today.

See below for a copy.

Friday 26th June:

Government advice on keeping children safe from abuse and harm:


Files to Download

Discover Us

Lakeside Primary Academy

Sandy Lane, Doncaster, DN4 5ES

T: 01302 368879


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