
Intent of the Maths curriculum at Lakeside

Mathematics is a key life skill. It is key to science, technology and engineering and is needed to be financially literate as well as being required for most forms of employment. A secure understanding of maths gives a foundation for an understanding of the world, the ability to reason mathematically, and a curiosity to learn more about the subject.

Therefore our intent for our maths curriculum is to ensure children...

  • fluently solve calculations and problems, understanding how they got to the answer.
  • use reasoning to spot patterns and relationships, and be confident in using mathematical vocabulary to explain their thinking.
  • solve problems of increasing difficulty, finding different solutions where appropriate.
  • have a good understanding of mathematical concepts to enable them to successfully navigate everyday scenarios.
  • use mathematical talk to develop the ability to articulate, discuss and explain their thinking.

Implementation of the maths curriculum at Lakeside 

We use White Rose Maths alongside Power Maths to structure the long term and medium term overview of our mathematics teaching.  

Maths in the Early Years 

In the Early Years Foundation Stage children learning maths through a mixture of taught sessions and experiencing maths concepts as part of their continuous provision. Children’s progress and achievements are assessed against the Early Learning Goals at the end of reception.

Maths in Years 1-6

Our curriculum meets the expectations set out in the The children are taught in their own year groups, in mixed abilities. In every year group, concepts are taught using concrete resources, moving on to pictorial methods before developing abstract working. This approach means that most children can access the same learning while building a solid understanding. We use a range of activities with different levels of challenge that children can progress through. All children are given an equal opportunity to achieve to their highest potential. 

Concrete, Pictorial & Abstract Maths Working Wall Display | Teaching  Resources
Maths Meetings

As well as discrete maths lessons, children also consolidate their understanding during topic lessons and through regular Maths Meetings which include key mathematical facts.

Cross Curricular Maths

To be a mathematician, you need to be able to see and make links with the world around us. We make sure that these links are explicit within other subjects. Children will collect and present data in science, work with measures like time in PE and look for patterns in art. Maths is everywhere!

Examples of progression through our maths curriculum 

In EYFS, the children learn about number through play. They are introduced to models and images like the part whole model and the tens frame.

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Year 1

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Year 2

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Year 3

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Year 4

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Year 5

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Year 6


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Lakeside Primary Academy

Sandy Lane, Doncaster, DN4 5ES

T: 01302 368879


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