Year 5 2023 - 2024

Miss Hartley

Miss Ewen

Welcome to Y5  


Start time will be 8:30am and we will be letting the children into school from the classroom door, we will open the doors at 8.25am and collection time is 3:00pm.

Important Information:

PE days are Tuesday afternoon for PE. School PE kit is black leggings, jogging bottoms or shorts, white t-shirt and a jacket other than their outdoor coat if possible. Children can come to school dressed in their PE kits.

Swimming is every Friday morning. Children should come to school in their PE kit. 

Please ensure that your child has a named bottle with only water inside, we are a healthy school and promote children drinking water, staff also drink water with the children throughout the day. If you would like your child to have a carton of milk you can sign up for this on (or ask at the office if you need help)

Reading books are being sent home with the children and children can change them independently when they need a new one.

Thank you for your continued support, if you have any more questions please feel free to ask. 


Class teachers - Miss Hartley and Miss Ewen

Support staff - Mrs Hussain (Coot)  Mrs Degiorgio (across both classes) Mrs Shahzad (across both classes)



Our Curriculum

Maths - Summer 2 

The children will be looking at position and direction, converting units and volume. In Year 5, your child will learn to read and create number lines. They will interpret timetables and will solve problems using statistical information from graphs and charts.

English - Summer 2

The children will be looking at the features of an information text using the information on Jean-Michel Basquiet. The children will work on writing a persuasive leaflet about recycling. They will use relative clauses, using adverbs to show a degree of possibility, building cohesion across paragraphs and linking ideas using tense choices. In guided reading we will be reading the book Who Let the Gods Out? by Maz Evans.

Radiant Child: The Story of Young Artist Jean-Michel BasquiatWho Let the Gods Out?: the first EPIC adventure in Maz Evans's laugh-out-loud hilarious series


Topic - Summer term

In the Groundbreaking Greeks project, your child will learn about different periods of Greek history, exploring the earliest civilisations, the devastation of the Dark Age and the breakthroughs and developments of the Archaic and Classical periods. They will understand how the geography of Greece affected the development of city states and explore Athens, learning about the structure of the government and society. They will get to know some of the most significant Athenians and understand why Greek art, culture, architecture, philosophy, medicine and mathematics were so significant. Your child will learn about the leadership of Alexander the Great and discover how ancient Greece became part of the Roman Empire after the Hellenistic period. They will explore how the Romans respected and developed Greek ideas, making them their own and spreading them throughout the Roman Empire. To end the project, your child will decide which was the ancient Greeks' greatest idea, and explore how the legacy of ancient Greece affects their lives today.

Maths - Summer 1

In Year 5, your child will use acute, obtuse, and reflex angles and will draw and measure angles in degrees. They will translate and reflect shapes, and will investigate regular and irregular polygons.

English - Summer 1

The children will be looking at the features of a persuasive leaflet using the Paperbag Prince by Colin Thompson. The children will work on writing a persuasive leaflet about recycling. They will use modal verbs, a variety of verb forms used correctly and consistently, use commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing, link ideas across paragraphs using adverbials and tense choices and use brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis. In guided reading we will be reading the book Children of Winter by Berlie Doherty.




Topic - Summer term

In the Groundbreaking Greeks project, your child will learn about different periods of Greek history, exploring the earliest civilisations, the devastation of the Dark Age and the breakthroughs and developments of the Archaic and Classical periods. They will understand how the geography of Greece affected the development of city states and explore Athens, learning about the structure of the government and society. They will get to know some of the most significant Athenians and understand why Greek art, culture, architecture, philosophy, medicine and mathematics were so significant. Your child will learn about the leadership of Alexander the Great and discover how ancient Greece became part of the Roman Empire after the Hellenistic period. They will explore how the Romans respected and developed Greek ideas, making them their own and spreading them throughout the Roman Empire. To end the project, your child will decide which was the ancient Greeks' greatest idea, and explore how the legacy of ancient Greece affects their lives today.


Maths - Spring 2 

This half term we are continuing with fractions. Then we will move on to decimals. 

Our learning will include some of these objectives - Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the other and write
mathematical statements > 1 as a mixed number [for example, + = = 1 ].  Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, and denominators that are multiples of the same number. Multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers, supported by materials and diagram.  Multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. Read and write decimal numbers as fractions [for example, 0.71 = 71/100 ]. Recognise and use thousandths and relate them to tenths, hundredths and decimal equivalents


English - Spring 2

The children have been looking at the features of a biography. The children will work on writing a biography for Chris Hadfield (astronaunt) that includes key features such as variety of verb forms used correctly and consistently, use commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing, link ideas across paragraphs using adverbials and tense choices and use brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis. In guided reading we will be finishing the book The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. 


Topic - Spring 2


Journey through space, the final frontier. Navigate beyond the Sun, the magnificent, blazing star at the centre of our Solar System. Investigate the eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Take a look at the Moon, a celestial body that orbits Earth. Programme a rover to traverse a lunar landscape and work scientifically to investigate gravity, and what happens when there is none. Compare the times of day at different places on the Earth and use GPS satellite navigation systems to track hidden treasure. Get in a spin making simple models of the Solar System and listen to the haunting sounds of space themed songs. Then it’s 3, 2, 1, blast off. Build and launch a rocket for an important test mission. Exploring space is probably the greatest adventure that humankind has ever undertaken. Are we alone? Or are there other life forms out there?


Maths - Spring 1

This half term we are covering fractions.

Our learning will include some of these objectives - identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented visually, including tenths
and hundredths. Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the other and write
mathematical statements > 1 as a mixed number [for example, + = = 1 ].  Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, and denominators that are multiples of the same number. Multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers, supported by materials and diagram.


English - Spring 1 

The children have been looking at the features of a myth. The children will work on writing their own myth that includes key features such as expanded noun phrases, relative clauses and using commas for clarity. In guided reading we will be looking at the book The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. 


Topic - Spring 1

Sow Grow Farm

This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of land use in agricultural regions across the world, including a detailed exploration of significant environmental areas. It includes a topic launch at a farm to get a hands on experience of farming.


Maths - Autumn 2: 

This half term we are covering multiplication and division with up to 5 digit numbers. 

Multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. Recognise and use square numbers and cube numbers, and the notation for squared (2) and cubed (3). Solve problems involving multiplication and division, including using their knowledge of factors and multiples, squares and cubes.


English - Autumn 2: 

The children have been looking at the features of a traditional tale. The children will work on writing their own traditional tale that includes key features such as expanded noun phrases, dialouge to advance the action and description to create an atmopshere. In guided reading we will be looking at the book Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Caroll. 









Topic - Autumn 2: 

Let’s travel back 5000 years, to the dusty realms of ancient Egypt. Cruise along the Nile, entering a world of mysteries and curses, mummies and kings. Find out about life on the river’s fertile banks, discovering Egypt and its fascinating culture. Unravel the secrets of ancient tombs, using historical sources and ancient artefacts. Find out about powerful pharaohs and grandiose gods. Make yourself a nemes and you’ll really look the part. Become an apprentice and work for Ramose, the chief embalmer at the Beautiful House. Help him prepare a body for its journey into the afterlife. Now open the doorway to ancient Egypt. Who knows what treasures you will find?




Maths - Autumn 1:

This half term in Maths Year 5 will be working on place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. This will cover Roman Numerals, reading and writing numbers to 1, 000, 000. Also adding and subtracting four digit numbers including rounding. Multiplication and division includes multiples, prime numbers and cube numbers. 

English -  Autumn 1:

The children have been looking at the features of a non-chronological report. The children will work on writing their own report that includes key features such as headings, facts and scientific vocabulary. In guided reading we will be looking at the book Beetle Boy - M.G Leonard. 


Topic – Beast Creator – Autumn 1:

Arachnids, insects, molluscs and myriapods. Minibeasts come in all shapes and sizes!

This half term, we’ll handle a range of minibeasts and small creatures. Taking photographs, making notes and listening carefully to expert explanations will help us to understand how minibeasts move, what they eat and where they live. Using what we’ve learned, we’ll write an interesting minibeast report. In science, we’ll learn how to categorise minibeasts and investigate woodlice habitats. We’ll make detailed drawings of our minibeasts, present data about them and make maps to show the route of our minibeast hunt. Using wood, stones, garden canes and other natural materials, we’ll create ‘minibeast hotels’ and write adverts to attract minibeasts to stay in them. We’ll create a comic about deadly creatures and use interesting vocabulary to write minibeast poems. Minibeasts’ homes and their life cycles will amaze us and we’ll watch the fascinating process of stick insects hatching.

Help your child prepare for their project
• If you could be an insect for a day, what kind would you be? Why? Where would
you live? How safe would you be from predators?
• Make a bug’s-eye plan of your classroom or bedroom. How would things look
from high up there on the wall?
• Read the novel Charlotte’s Web, then write a book review to share with your
friends. Is it a good read? Would you recommend it?
• Find out which flowers and herbs attract minibeasts. Plant a bulb or seed in a
pot or planter and see who comes to visit.
• Go on a bug hunt in a local park or woodland. What will you find? Can you
photograph it?
• Make a comparison between two minibeasts. How are they similar? How are
they different?
• Visit a local museum or nature centre to find out more about minibeasts and
bugs. Make your own sketchbook and record any information you can gather.
• Use dough or clay to make a replica of your favourite minibeast. Bring it in to
school to share with others.
• Make a minibeast glossary to explain all the specialist vocabulary associated
with this topic.
• Use poster paints to design a beautiful and symmetrical design for a butterfly’s
wings. Can you transfer your design to a computer?

As always if you have any questions then please feel free to ask!


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Sandy Lane, Doncaster, DN4 5ES

T: 01302 368879


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