SATs Information

Key Stage 2 National Testing for Year 6 children take place during the week beginning 13th May 2024.                                                      save the date.jpg

SATs testing will take place between the dates of Monday 13th and Thursday 16th May.

Tests are statutory and will take place in school. All tests will be sent for external marking and results will be released at the end of the academic year.


Year 6 teachers will share more information about SATS and how Lakeside approach them in the New Year.

Our SATS meeting for the 2024 SATS will take place on Tuesday 16th January. The meeting is for parents and pupils

and will explain how we will help and support pupils in the run up to SATS, the dates for SATS and how they work.


Further guidance will also be shared throughout the academic year on how to support your child in the build up to SATs and also during SATs week.

The slides used at the parent's meeting are available to download below.



Online SATS prep


We have an amazing online SATS prep page on our website that is perfect for getting ready for the 2023 SATS tests!

Try it here: 

Files to Download

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Lakeside Primary Academy

Sandy Lane, Doncaster, DN4 5ES

T: 01302 368879


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