Birds of Prey visit to Lakeside
Our new topic in Year 3/4 is Predator! and as part of our launch we had 4 birds of prey visit our school. These were:
A peregrine falcon
A burrowing owl
A ban owl
A hawk
We had a talk from the owner of the birds who told us many interesting facts.We found out that the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest animal on earth and can fly at speeds of up to 242 mph. It purely eats birds (and particularly likes pigeons!). The burrowing owl is a daytime owl with yellow eyes, spends a lot of time running around on the ground. The barn owl has more bones and muscles in it's neck than we do, which allows it to rotate it's head around, it enjoys a diet of chicks, mice and other small rodents. Finally, the hawk we found out is a glider, not built for speed but more for manoevere, it also likes to hunt as part of a group.
All the children had a go at holding the burrowing owl.
In the afternoon we went out to see the birds fly. Their owner had the birds flying through Mrs Hussain and Mrs Austwick's outstretched arms and between their legs...very entertaining!