Religious Education

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What is the Intent of the RE currciulum at Lakeside?

Lakeside Primary is a very multi-cultural school. We celebrate this and actively encourage children to share their experiences of their religions.

Religious Education encourages pupils to learn from different religions, beliefs, values and traditions while exploring their own beliefs. It challenges pupils to reflect on, consider, analyse, interpret and evaluate issues of truth, beliefs, faith and ethics and to communicate their responses. We want to give our children the opportunity to make sense of their own place in the world.

Our Religious Education curriculum aims to give children an engaging introduction to learning about the 5 major religions

These religions are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism and Judaism.

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What is the intent of teaching R.E at Lakeside?

For children to...

  • be provided with the knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other principal religious faiths, traditions and beliefs represented in Great Britain and the wider world
  • develop a positive attitude towards people who hold religious beliefs different from their own
  • be respectful of each other and show a tolerance for diversity.
  • be able to disagree respectfully, understanding that others have a different viewpoint (links to PSHE)
  • develop an understanding of the ways in which beliefs influence people's behaviour, practices and outlook.
  • learn to ask thoughtful and respectful questions.
  • be prepared for life in modern Britain by promoting Key British Values including democracy, Rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs (British Values are mapped throughout the scheme of work)

What is the Implementation of the RE curriculum at Lakeside?

RE in years 1-6


In order to deliver our RE curriculum effectively we follow the Discovery RE scheme of work for RE. This is an enquiry approach that makes RE exciting and engaging.  Each year group will have a key question to explore each half term and the overview of these can be found hereThrough the RE curriculum we encourage children to: feedback opinions, generate own questions, explain their own point of view, justify/Give reasons, compromise, disagree respectfully (understanding that others have a different point of view) and remember that their own idea is important, whether it is the same as others or not





As a school we celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter together.

The children are given opportunity  to visit places of worship, and also have Father Henry and Linda Gardiner from local churches to come in and deliver assemblies. Linda



Gardiner and her team from the Salvation Army also deliver Christmas and Easter Journey sessions for children to deepen their understanding of these stories as well as talkis on Judaism to specific year groups.

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Year 5 had the opportunity to visit St Peter-in-Chains as part of their unit of work on Christianity. It was a great experience to be shown around inside the church by Father Henry, who also answered many thoughtful and sensible questions from our children.

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We study Islam across school from year 2-6 and all year groups from Year 1-6 have had the opportunity to visit our local mosque, which has provided a great insight into how Muslim's worship.


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RE in the Early Years

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, activities are planned in relation to the “Understanding the World” area of the foundation stage curriculum. Children’s progress and achievements are assessed against the Early Learning Goals at the end of reception. To see how their knowledge progresses through the Early years please click here.

Children in Foundation Stage are encouraged talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of their family members. They know that other children don't always enjoy the same things, and are sensitive to this. They are encouraged to discuss similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions. Children are immersed in multi-cultural stories such as Rama and Sita, the Easter Story and the Christmas Story. There are multi-cultural clothes in the home corner for children to explore in free play. Children are encouraged to discuss their own faith and understand that it might not be the same as others. Children have a special visit from Father Henry to share Bible stories once a half term.


What is the IMPACT of RE being taught at Lakeside?

R.E at Lakeside Primary is delivered consistently and effectively. We want to make a significant contribution to children's academic and personal development. We aim to promote socisal cohesion and athe virtues of respect and empathy, which are so important in our diverse school.


Examples of work in R.E - 

Here are some written examples of work at Lakeside. Often learning can take the form of drama, discussion, debates and quizzes - we aim to make RE interesting and fun, and we always seek to build on what we have learnt before.

Year 1 and 2

   Year 1 ch.png Year 1 4.pngYear 1 5.png

 Year 3 and 4

 Year 4 d.png   Year 4 display.jpg  Year 4 dis.jpg

Year 4 diwali.jpg  Year 4 sedar plate.png  Year 4 s.png

Year 5 and 6

Year 6 assemblies.jpg  Year 6 ch.png Year 6 christmas.png

Year 6 sikh.png  Year 6 xx.png


Parents/Carers have a right to withdraw their child from Religious Education

All parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child either, wholly or partly, from:

  • Receiving religious education (RE) given in school in accordance with the school’s curriculum
  • Attendance at religious worship in school

If you would like further information about our RE curriculum please contact us. We would be happy to discuss this with you so that you can make an informed decision. 

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Lakeside Primary Academy

Sandy Lane, Doncaster, DN4 5ES

T: 01302 368879


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