Our News items
A Big Surprise on World Book Day for Y3 and Y4, by Mrs Mathers
Amazing home learning - Magnificent Monarchs, by Mrs Bossons
World Book Week - Magpie, by Mrs Bossons
Dandelions, by Mrs Phillips
Road Trip USA, by Mrs Austwick
Keeping Music Alive at Lakeside! Exciting Choir News, by Mrs Mathers
Composer of the Half-Term Spring 1, by Mrs Mathers
Science Club - Year 3 and Year 4, by Mrs Bossons
Adult, Community and Family Learning phonics course,, by Mr Cowie
Children's Mental Health week, by Mr Cowie
Pre Investigation Task - Heart Rate, by Mrs Bossons
Our new topic Flow, by Mrs Austwick
A great start to 2022 in Year 3/4, by Mrs Austwick
Happy Christmas Year 3/4, by Mrs Austwick
Dissecting Owl pellets in Year 3/4, by Mrs Austwick
A busy week in Year 3/4, by Mrs Austwick
Horrible Histories, by Mrs McCrae
F2 Bedtime Stories, by Mrs McCrae
Birds of Prey visit to Lakeside, by Mrs Austwick
Bath Bombs in Year 3/4!, by Mrs Austwick
Year 6 Science Visit to Hall Cross, by Mrs Bossons
Hello Yellow!, by Mrs McCrae
Reading Breakfast Club, by Mrs McCrae
Reading Miles Award, by Mrs McCrae
Parent and pupil guide to Snapchat, by Mr Cowie